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Colors, Light, & Interiors


Color and light in interiors are two essential design elements. The manipulation of these elements is key in transforming spaces into places. When learning fundamentals in school, I began to see the effects of colors and light encompassing the rooms I inhabited. Overwhelmed with inspiration and stress during my freshman year, I felt the strong urge to shift the aesthetics of my school's studio. With a few low budget solutions, the room in which I discovered these elements has become a more welcoming and comfortable solutions as a result of their applications.

A photo of a computer station.
(Battle, 2023)

The evolution of this environment has been gradual with small changes accumulating over time to create a massive impact. One of the first changes implemented to illuminate the room in a more homey way was the string lights strung from the ceiling on the perimeter of the studio. With this simple change, a very uniform and bland space began to become OUR major's space.

To show the striking differences of the interiors, here are a few before and after photos to display the elements of light and color in action. Color began to represent the intangible life and community beginning to form in this previously empty room.

A whiteboard with Christmas lights around the perimeter.
(Battle, 2023)

The lights around the dry erase board were a temporary Christmas Season fixture but, they enlist the help of color and light in a very notable way. The emphasis of the room is reoriented around these tiny additions of color and illumination.

A warmly lit room with couches.
(Battle, 2023)

Another strategy employed in the studio to solve the lighting crisis at hand is avoiding the overheads. The giant and overpowering brightness can cause intense eye strain and fatigue. when the overheads are not in use and secondary light fixtures come into play, an entirely new ambiance is acquired.

A group of students in the studio with colored lights.
(ASID of ETSU, 2023)

"Color serves many esthetic purposes in the design of buildings:

Paper signs of the design elements and principles on colored material.
(Battle, 2023)

1. It creates an atmosphere.

2. It suggests unity or diversity.

3. It expresses the character of materials.

4. It defines form.

5. It affects proportions

6. It brings out scale.

7. It gives a sense of weight. " (Faulkner, 1972)

Perspective of desk
(Battle, 2023)

About a year has passed since the first perspective photo of my desk in the studio. Here's the same perspective now for comparison. By changing the applications of color and light in this room, it has transformed the energy and appearance dramatically. As the evolution of this studio continues, it serves as a reminder of the multi-faceted nature of color in design, encompassing atmosphere, unity, character, form, proportions, scale, and weight. These elements have not only enhanced the visual appeal of the space but also influenced the way it is experienced by those who use it.


Faulkner, W. (1972). Architecture and color. Wiley-Interscience.

ASID of ETSU (2023) Instagram Post


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