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Good Design that's not Sublime


Becoming a good designer requires the creative imagination of a visionary. When projects are in their beginning phases, all solutions, methods, and ideas should be explored and considered. As a project begins to materialize, decisions are made; ergo, tradeoffs occur. Every project has the shiny ideation phase, but only some hold the resources or scope to embody sublime design or even the best version of the solution. Good designers are not only visionaries but applied problem solvers with realistic and feasible methods. To state the paradox of striving for perfection, thus unintentionally sabotaging solutions that do the job well, "The best is the enemy of the good." (Voltaire, 1770)

The built environment is the result of the decisions and necessary tradeoffs in order to exist. There are spaces with blatantly poor design choices. However, for the majority of any public space, the human population has constructed the world to serve the purposes of its users reasonably well. Often, the decisions that deescalate a project from perfection are unchangeable and unrelated to the design itself; budget, means, organizational structures and opportunity are often the deciding factors.

A diagram showing a measurable distance between nothing and something and an immeasurable distance between something and perfection
(Krasser, 2017)

With a quick walk across campus, there are plenty of examples of decent solutions that could be more exceptional but undoubtedly complete the significant objective of the ideal design without the bells and whistles of sublime solutions.

A view of the campus CPA floor plan from above showing basketball courts, a track, and workout machines in a large open area.
CPA Perspective Photo (Battle, 2023)

A prime example of a design that serves its purpose but does not reach exceptional standards is the CPA on campus. The layout of the gym is incredibly space-efficient. It includes a variety of machines and alternative workout spaces, but it fails to address any acoustic issues created by such a multi-functional and compact space.

The CPA is a space I use frequently, and I have become familiar with the building. Compared to other, much smaller gyms, this structure needs more user comfort.

CPA Schematic Floor Plan Hand Drafted
(Battle, 2023)

The primary issue of the layout paradoxically is a result of its efficient and cost-effective design; the open warehouse shell creates a sound reverberation nightmare that spreads through the entire gym and affects all users. The basketball courts are not encased by walls to the ceiling on the "party" wall shared with the machine area. Every squeak, player conversation, cheer, or loud noise is amplified and projected into the opposing space. The half wall was likely a frugal choice to maximize the other amenities of the facility, but it seriously damages the ambiance.

The other decision that straddles the same dilemma of efficiency and discomfort is the track's position over the first floor. The track acts as a perfect viewing platform for all of the activity in the gym; thus all first-floor users are subject to involuntarily being watched.

The CPA is far from perfect, but it creates multitudes of opportunities for physical movement, which is the building's core function. Regardless of its flaws, the CPA serves the campus well and improves the quality of life for everyone who uses it.

As we reflect on the CPA and its design paradoxes, let it be a reminder that, in the real world, compromises are often necessary. The key lies in finding the balance between visionary ideals and practical solutions, continually striving for improvement while acknowledging and appreciating the good that exists. After all, the beauty of design lies not only in its perfection but in its ability to make a positive impact on people's lives.


Krasser. (2017). Perfect is the enemy of good - how Imperfection can drive innovation. PPT.

Dictionnaire philosophique (1770 ed.) ‘Art Dramatique’: ‘Le meglio è l'inimico del bene

Confucius Quotes. (n.d.). Retrieved October 23, 2023, from Web site:

1 Comment

Oct 30, 2023

This is a great reflection of non-sublime designs on campus! I think this absolutely applies to our in-class discussion on privacy within spaces. You expertly touched on auditory and visual privacy and how it impacts how people use the space. While some users might not recognize this, others- especially those on the track experience it in full force. Great insight! - Mollie Smith

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